
Have You Ever Had a Great Feeling of Accomplishment?

Have you ever had a great feeling of accomplishment? Finishing Camp NaNo gave me that great feeling of accomplishment. But an even greater feeling came from finishing a rough draft of Second Chances, the third novel of The Divorce Trilogy.

A while back, I wrote about how I had tried for the fourth time to finish this novel. Words can’t even begin to describe how I feel about finishing this novel, but there’s a reason for that, which I will explain in a minute.

What is Camp NaNo?

With Camp NaNo, writers can set whatever word count we want. April is a busy month for me so I usually set the goal at 10K. I almost always hit that goal unlike the November NaNo of 50K.

Camp is also less restrictive because we can work on whatever we like — short stories, poems, nonfiction. Last year I worked on a memoir and finished a rough draft.

In April, I worked on the last few chapters of Second Chances. I had a rough outline of the chapters, but once I got writing, I discovered I didn’t need as many chapters as I thought I did.

And I was still able to write a little over 10K and “win,” as it’s called. There is nothing like finishing a challenge to boost an author’s self-esteem. Writing “The End” when I finish a story makes me beam with pride, knowing that it won’t be much longer until I can publish it.

What about Second Chances?

This novel I’m tentatively calling Second Chances was a tough novel to write, and I think that’s why I struggled so much to finish it. Tough, in a sense, that it tugs at my own heartstrings.

But that’s why I enjoy writing women’s fiction so much.

Women’s fiction is usually based on a woman’s life experiences and seems realistic to you, the reader. If a story tugs at my heart, then I’m sure I’ve gotten the story the way I wanted. I’m hoping you will enjoy the story as much as I do. That’s the best way to write a novel — create one that readers can’t put down.

Of course, in the four years since I published Be Strong, I’ve grown and learned so much as a writer. I’ve joined two more writing groups, and the other writers are so helpful and encouraging in both groups.

Like me, my main character, Elizabeth, has grown, too. She has endured a divorce and and ongoing custody battle. She has hit many obstacles in her life. Now she is trying to make a life of her own and deal with the estrangement of her daughter.

What now?

As I’ve learned to do, I’m leaving the novel set for at least a month and working on other things. I have three books I want to finish and publish by the end of the year. They’re short nonfiction, but they will require some research so I can finish them.

The research shouldn’t take long as I am double checking some things in the rough drafts I’ve already written. Then they will go through the same process as my longer novel.

And why am I telling you this stuff about my books? I like sharing the progress I’m making with my books once in awhile. By sharing my progress, I hope you’ll encourage me in getting these books done.

What is your biggest accomplishment most recently? I would love to hear about it!

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