Confessions of a Marching Band Member

confessions series, memoir, marching band, author,writer

I hated marching band my freshman year of high school.

So why did I stay in for three more years?

When I first joined marching band, I didn’t know anyone. I had a hard time making friends because of my shyness. Even worse, the staff and upperclassmen yelled at me when I couldn’t march in step. And then we didn’t make state finals by one point.

Find out why I stayed in band for three more years and how it changed my life in Confessions of a Marching Band Member.

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Confessions of a Marching Band Staff Member

marching band, staff member, memoir, writer, author, book, published, confessions series

I never dreamed marching band could change my life anymore than it already had.

So how did it change my life?

I had grown to love my four years of marching band in high school. I missed it when I graduated. As a college student, I watched the band at practices and followed them to contests.

Hanging around the band paid off. When I got the chance to become a staff member, I jumped at the opportunity to help the marching band. 

Find out what being a staff member meant to me and how much more it changed my life in Confessions of a Marching Band Staff Member.

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Confessions of a Rick Springfield Fan

Rick Springfield, confessions series, author, writer, book, memoir, published. singer, actor

I first heard “Jessie’s Girl” in the summer of 1981. Some people might say I’ve become obsessed with Rick Springfield since then. I call it love of a man and his music.

From the age of 12 until adulthood, my love of Rick and his music has grown. He isn’t just a good-looking rockstar. He is so much more than that. His smile melts my heart, but his songs heal my mind in ways I never thought possible.

Confessions of a Rick Springfield Fan is the heartfelt story of my devotion to him through the years.

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