Christmas is two days away. Are you ready for it? I’m not quite there. I still have to wrap presents, which I put off every year.
I can’t believe how fast Christmas came. Of course, it didn’t help that Thanksgiving was so late. But I’m almost ready.
Buying Christmas gifts
Do you buy gifts for your family and friends? I don’t go crazy with the buying because my budget doesn’t allow it. But I do love seeing people open what I’ve gotten them.
For me, the older my nephew and nieces get, the harder it is to buy for them. Of course, I remember when my kids were this age. They were hard, too. They wanted certain things and were picky, but they wanted to fit in at school.
And I don’t blame them.
I didn’t start buying gifts until a couple of weeks ago because no one was giving me ideas. Buying for me usually is pretty easy. I keep a wish list on Amazon. I can always use a new writing book or something similar.
Decorating for Christmas
When do you put your Christmas tree up? I was so busy over Thanksgiving break that I had a hard time getting my trees and decorations done.
So, I didn’t even put my tree up until a couple of weeks ago. I love my little four foot tree and what few other decorations I have. It sure makes it easy to get the job done when I can find an hour or so.
I used to love Christmas and decorating, but the last several years has changed that. One year I almost didn’t even put up my tree.
But I did.
For the first time in a while, I wanted to put up my tree, but I couldn’t find the time. Sometimes there’s not enough time in the day.
Who knows, maybe someday I’ll love Christmas as much as I used to.
Looking forward to next year
I don’t know about you, but I think this year has flown by. When my kids were little, people told me all the time to enjoy them while they’re young–that time flies by. They sure weren’t kidding.
Of course, with time, I feel like I’m getting more sentimental. My new life mantra is “Life is too short.”
And it is.
I’ve found a job I love–still working with kids. It’s the only thing I know, so it has to work.
I found a great way to make some extra money this year and hope that continues next year. At the same time, I hope I can figure out a way to balance out everything I want to do next year.
I want to get back to my writing. I’ve drifted away from it the past few months, but I’m anxious to get back to it.
Looking at my royalties for this month on Kindle Direct Publishing, it’s time I get back to my writing. I am so pleased at how I am doing on there.
Saying goodbye to 2019
I think 2019 was the first year in quite a while that’s gone fairly well. I probably shouldn’t say that too loud because I seem to jinx myself.
For the first time in I don’t know when, I’m kind of sad to see this year go. It was a good year, and one that I can remember as being good to me.
Trust me when I say I haven’t said that very often over the last 20 to 25 years.
I’m working on my new word for 2020 and setting some new goals. I’ll share those with you in my next post, but until then, I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!