My head is spinning. I have so many things rolling around in my head that at times I can’t think straight.
Have any of you ever dealt with this? This isn’t the first time I have, and I’m sure it won’t be the last.
Why is my head spinning?
I really have no idea why my head is spinning. I do know I haven’t been able to write much while we’ve been on the stay-at-home orders.
But the time has not been wasted. I do know that for sure.
So what have I been doing if I’m not writing?
I’ve been doing lots of thinking about what’s been going on and what the future may look like. I’m sure you have, too. Am I right?
What are my thoughts?
Originally, I wanted this post to be about me and chasing dreams—my own. I’ve probably said it enough now, but I want to travel more and see more of this country.
But I’m not close to retirement age, and I have debt to pay off. The day job will have to stay for now. That doesn’t mean I still can’t dream and chase after what I really want to do in life.
If anything, this pandemic has taught me that life is short. I know we won’t go back to the way things were. I certainly hope not anyway.
Before the pandemic, life was too negative. I know I had had my share of negativity, and I was trying so hard to get away from it and think about life in a more positive way.
You may not have seen that in my posts here, but if you are a friend on one of my social media accounts, you’ve seen it there. I admit I haven’t always been the most positive person.
But at times, I’ve felt like my whole world was crashing down on me, and nothing was going the way I had hoped things would go.
What has changed for me?
Somehow in the last couple of years, things have changed for me. I don’t know if it has to do with me switching jobs and working in a school library.
I’ve always worked in the schools, but working in the library is great because of my writing and being an author. The perfect way to inspire young people to be an author, right?
I feel like a huge burden has been lifted off my shoulders, and I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because I’m finally at peace with myself? Possibly.
Maybe it’s because I have a rough idea on how I’m chasing those dreams? Could be. And I do have a plan. I’ll share it in a minute.
I honestly have no idea what’s changed. But I do know this. I haven’t felt this good about myself in a long time.
What dreams am I chasing?
I’ve done a lot of researching while I’ve been home the last few months. I’ve also studied a blog course to make my website a better place for all of you.
As you can see, I’ve changed the theme, which I hadn’t done in a while. I’ll continue making a change here and there so keep returning and see the updates. I’ll be sharing books when I have them to share. I’ll also add at least one blog post a week, maybe two if I have the words to share.
My goal is to make at least some extra money so I can get away from a platform where I’m making extra money editing other writers’ work. It’s not a great place, but the money has helped me when I needed it.

I hope to pay down my debt in the next few years and retire by the time I’m 60 so I can buy a newer used vehicle to pull a vintage camper. I thought about a beach house, but this setup will allow my three fur babies to travel with me. I can go wherever I want, whenever I want to do so.
Being an empty nester isn’t easy, but I’m making the best of it and keeping my head busy. If I’m busy, my head doesn’t spin as much, as I’ve learned over the years.
Final thoughts
When I sat down to write this blog post, I used a pencil and paper and struggled with ideas. I gave up and watched Netflix for a while.
This morning, I woke up and opened my laptop, and the ideas flowed from my fingertips. In fact, the words have flowed so well that I didn’t write this post the way I had originally planned.
I actually think it’s better than my original idea.
I’ve shared my dreams with you, so my question to you is this, What dreams are you chasing? Where do you see yourself in the next few years? Share your dreams below!