How to get a free book from me!

Can you believe summer is almost over already? I sure can’t. Our schools started a couple of weeks ago. That means I’m back to work at the day job. It’s a job I love, but I was enjoying my summer.

As I looked over my author website, I realized it’s been a few months since I’ve posted anything here. I apologize for that, but things got hectic. Sadly, when I can’t keep up, my blog suffers.

This weekend I’ve spent catching up with some things. And this blog happens to be one of my projects.

My books’ plans

Speaking of projects, I’m still working on the two books I hope to finish this year. You might remember I’ve written the third book of the divorce trilogy, but I haven’t published it yet.

I spent some time a few weeks ago reading through it and getting the story back in my head. I have a lot to work on, but I feel it’s a good story—the perfect ending to my trilogy.

You might also remember I’ve written a memoir about my favorite rockstar, Rick Springfield. Like the other book, it’s written, but I’ve been working on putting my memorabilia in scrapbooks and making sure I don’t forget anything. I also saw him in concert again this summer so I need to add that story in there as well.

My goal for both of these books is to publish them by the end of the year. By the end of the year, I also hope to publish a young adult romance novella (maybe novel). The book has an outline, but I just haven’t started writing it yet.

Speaking of young adult romance, the short story I wrote for the anthology was released the end of June. Be sure to get your copy of The Art of Taking Chances on Amazon!

My freelancing

I don’t really have any freelancing going on right now. The one decent job I had ended when I went back to school. It’s not my fault, though. They hand out the jobs when I can’t be on a computer to get them. It’s unfortunate, but another opportunity jumped in my lap.

My new project

In mid July, I discovered, by accident, a group on Facebook that creates mostly low or no content books. I had never heard of such a thing so I was excited to see what it was about. In the last month I’ve created quite a few composition notebooks with school starting back.

This was perfect timing for me when I wanted to get my creative juices going. This is such a relaxing way to create useful books people want. You can check out the notebooks on Amazon.

Of course, the school rush is almost over so I’ll be working on new books, like journals, planners, writing prompt books, and anything else I can think of. Is there something that would help you in some aspect of life? I would love to create a book for you!

In fact, if you share your idea with me and I create a book you like, then I’ll give you a free copy. How does that sound? Get those ideas going and send them to me!

Tell me how your summer went. I would love to hear the great things that happened!

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